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  Player Information

Player Profile

Steam Community Avatar
Poland trawiator
Location: Wroclaw, Poland
Steam: STEAM_0:0:326268
Status: (Unknown)
Click here to add as friend
Karma: In good standing
Member of Clan: (None)
Real Name: (Not Specified)
E-mail Address: (Not Specified)
Home Page: (Not Specified)
Last Connect:* Sun. Apr. 14th, 2013 @ 20:08:37
Total Connection Time: 1d 20:27:40h
Average Ping:* 65 ms (Latency: 33 ms)
Favorite Server:* [PL] Zgryzliwi Tetrycy #1 Custom Maps |HLStatsX| HLDS.PL
Favorite Map:* dod_orange
Favorite Weapon:* BAR Browning Automatic Rifle

Statistics Summary

Activity: 100% 100%
Points: 25,765
Rank: 51
Kills per Minute: 1.46
Kills per Death: 1.3182 (1.25*)
Headshots per Kill: 0.0000 (0.0000*)
Shots per Kill: 10.70
Weapon Accuracy: 21.3% (20%*)
Headshots: 0 (0*)
Kills: 3,890 (1,568*)
Deaths: 2,951 (1,255*)
Longest Kill Streak: 16
Longest Death Streak: 10
Suicides: 52
Teammate Kills: 61 (69*)

  History trawiator's History:
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  Miscellaneous Statistics

Player Trend
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Forum Signature

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Current rank: Group Major
Group Major
78% Kills needed: 110 (78%)
Rank history
Recruit Private Private First Class Lance Corporal Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant Gunnery Sergeant Master Sergeant First Sergeant Master Chief Sergeant Major Ensign Third Lieutenant Second Lieutenant First Lieutenant Captain Group Captain Senior Captain Lieutenant Major Major


Rank Name Time Last Use sort-descending.gif Kills Deaths K:D Headshots HS:K Suicides Accuracy
1 Trawiator 0d 15:17:43h 2013-04-14 20:21:47 1,362 1,140 1.19 0 0.00 22 22.7%
2 jihad_trawa 0d 00:07:41h 2013-04-14 20:08:57 2 0 2.00 0 0.00 0 0.0%
3 Grzeski 0d 02:21:52h 2013-02-08 19:24:30 289 192 1.51 0 0.00 4 20.4%
4 Princessa 0d 00:31:45h 2013-01-26 19:57:02 24 36 0.67 0 0.00 0 22.3%
5 twix 0d 01:51:39h 2013-01-03 19:28:09 200 144 1.39 0 0.00 2 22.0%
6 twixc 0d 00:00:25h 2012-11-24 21:06:40 1 1 1.00 0 0.00 0 25.0%
7 milkyway 0d 00:58:05h 2012-11-24 21:06:15 143 88 1.63 0 0.00 0 20.5%
8 bounty 0d 02:47:14h 2012-11-16 21:45:35 220 185 1.19 0 0.00 6 17.6%
9 princepolo 0d 00:36:24h 2012-09-12 21:57:59 51 44 1.16 0 0.00 0 19.7%
10 TRAWA 0d 00:32:11h 2012-09-10 21:02:13 34 37 0.92 0 0.00 0 18.3%
11 jasam 0d 01:29:59h 2012-09-10 20:24:15 107 95 1.13 0 0.00 2 16.8%
12 lamiator 0d 00:29:48h 2012-06-30 23:39:41 20 31 0.65 0 0.00 0 13.8%
13 STEAM_0:0:326268 0d 00:25:51h 2012-05-02 21:24:00 32 30 1.07 0 0.00 1 21.3%
14 STEAM_0 0d 00:00:00h 2012-03-28 20:10:10 0 0 0.00 0 - 0 0.0%
15 trawka 0d 04:52:55h 2012-03-28 20:09:55 415 246 1.69 0 0.00 4 27.5%
16 pizgam wroga po kasku 0d 02:12:19h 2012-02-24 23:43:06 237 160 1.48 0 0.00 1 21.8%
17 pizgam brytola po kasku 0d 00:27:49h 2012-02-24 19:28:00 14 12 1.17 0 0.00 0 27.3%
18 pizgam niemca po kasku 0d 04:22:31h 2012-02-21 22:46:35 335 220 1.52 0 0.00 1 20.2%
19 pizgam alianta po kasku 0d 00:46:32h 2012-02-20 21:37:24 65 48 1.35 0 0.00 3 18.9%
20 spanish inquisition 0d 03:37:22h 2012-02-18 18:37:14 275 198 1.39 0 0.00 4 21.1%

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  Player Actions *

Rank Action Earned sort-descending.gif Accumulated Points
1 Double Kill (2 kills) 194 times 194
2 Areas Captured 109 times 654
3 Triple Kill (3 kills) 98 times 196
4 Control Points Captured 80 times 480
5 Domination (4 kills) 44 times 132
6 Rampage (5 kills) 31 times 124
7 Mega Kill (6 kills) 13 times 65
8 Ownage (7 kills) 6 times 36
9 Objectives Achieved 6 times 24
10 Monster Kill (10 kills) 4 times 36
11 Unstoppable (11 kills) 2 times 20
12 Ultra Kill (8 kills) 1 times 7
13 Killing Spree (9 kills) 1 times 8
14 God Like (12+ kills) 1 times 11

  Team Selection *

Rank Team Joined sort-descending.gif % Ratio
1 Axis 46 times 50.55% 50.55%
2 Allies 42 times 46.15% 46.15%

  Role Selection *

Rank Role Joined sort-descending.gif % Ratio Kills Deaths K:D
1 Axis Grenadier 25 times 19.69% 19.69% 251 192 1.31
2 American Support Infantry 23 times 18.11% 18.11% 266 242 1.10
3 Axis Sturmtruppe 17 times 13.39% 13.39% 306 239 1.28
4 American Sergeant 16 times 12.60% 12.60% 216 192 1.13
5 Axis Unteroffizier 11 times 8.66% 8.66% 92 69 1.33
6 American Master Sergeant 10 times 7.87% 7.87% 201 136 1.48
7 American Rifleman 8 times 6.30% 6.30% 117 85 1.38
8 American Sniper 3 times 2.36% 2.36% 2 2 1.00
9 Axis Scharfschütze 2 times 1.57% 1.57% 6 3 2.00
10 Axis Para Fg42-Zweinbein 2 times 1.57% 1.57% 4 4 1.00
11 American Para Support Infantry 2 times 1.57% 1.57% 43 32 1.34
12 British Gunner 1 times 0.79% 0.79% 24 18 1.33
13 Axis Para Unteroffizier 1 times 0.79% 0.79%
14 Axis Para Grenadier 1 times 0.79% 0.79% 0 1 0.00
15 American Staff Sergeant 1 times 0.79% 0.79% 3 3 1.00
16 American Para Sergeant 1 times 0.79% 0.79% 34 33 1.03
17 American Para Rifleman 1 times 0.79% 0.79%
18 American Machine Gunner 1 times 0.79% 0.79% 3 3 1.00

  Weapon Usage *

Rank Weapon Modifier Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 BAR Browning Automatic Rifle 1.20 313 19.96% 19.96% 0 % % 0.00
2 Mauser Kar 98k 1.30 220 14.03% 14.03% 0 % % 0.00
3 MP44 Assault Rifle 1.35 206 13.14% 13.14% 0 % % 0.00
4 Greasegun 1.30 189 12.05% 12.05% 0 % % 0.00
5 Thompson Submachine Gun 1.25 176 11.22% 11.22% 0 % % 0.00
6 U.S. Grenade 1.00 85 5.42% 5.42% 0 % % 0.00
7 MP40 Machine Pistol 1.25 81 5.17% 5.17% 0 % % 0.00
8 Luger 08 Pistol 1.50 64 4.08% 4.08% 0 % % 0.00
9 M1 Garand Rifle 1.30 60 3.83% 3.83% 0 % % 0.00
10 German Grenade 1.00 55 3.51% 3.51% 0 % % 0.00
11 Colt .45 model 1911 1.60 28 1.79% 1.79% 0 % % 0.00
12 Bren Machine Gun 1.25 23 1.47% 1.47% 0 % % 0.00
13 U.S. Issue Knife 3.00 15 0.96% 0.96% 0 % % 0.00
14 Enfield Rifle 1.35 10 0.64% 0.64% 0 % % 0.00
15 FG42 Paratroop Rifle 1.25 9 0.57% 0.57% 0 % % 0.00
16 Karbiner Bayonet 2.40 7 0.45% 0.45% 0 % % 0.00
17 Springfield Rifle with Scope 1.50 5 0.32% 0.32% 0 % % 0.00
18 Mauser Karbiner 98k Sniper Rifle 1.50 5 0.32% 0.32% 0 % % 0.00
19 M1 Carbine 1.20 5 0.32% 0.32% 0 % % 0.00
20 Spade Entrenchment Tool 3.00 4 0.26% 0.26% 0 % % 0.00
21 Scoped FG42 1.30 4 0.26% 0.26% 0 % % 0.00
22 .30 Caliber Machine Gun 1.25 2 0.13% 0.13% 0 % % 0.00
23 British Grenade 1.00 1 0.06% 0.06% 0 % % 0.00
24 Karbiner 43 1.50 1 0.06% 0.06% 0 % % 0.00

  Weapon Statistics *

Rank Weapon Shots Hits Damage Headshots Kills sort-descending.gif K:D Accuracy Damage per Hit Shots per Kill
1 3,874 605 52,746 91 308 1.3568 15.6% 87.2 12.6
2 K98 462 228 36,634 28 216 1.8462 49.4% 160.7 2.1
3 STG44 3,326 469 27,180 99 201 1.3862 14.1% 58.0 16.5
4 2,770 516 22,951 96 192 1.2632 18.6% 44.5 14.4
5 2,739 483 20,829 78 179 1.7212 17.6% 43.1 15.3
6 Handgrenade 353 237 19,376 0 102 25.5000 67.1% 81.8 3.5
7 1,371 221 9,264 33 82 1.4386 16.1% 41.9 16.7
8 606 156 7,200 30 62 1.1698 25.7% 46.2 9.8
9 Stickgrenade 278 153 12,613 0 61 20.3333 55.0% 82.4 4.6
10 303 90 11,981 17 61 1.2708 29.7% 133.1 5.0
11 209 75 3,508 15 30 2.5000 35.9% 46.8 7.0
12 306 43 3,869 5 23 1.3529 14.1% 90.0 13.3
13 16 16 3,615 7 14 3.5000 100.0% 225.9 1.1
14 127 18 1,520 2 9 1.1250 14.2% 84.4 14.1
15 20 9 1,200 0 9 1.2857 45.0% 133.3 2.2
16 K98 Bayonet 11 11 2,110 4 8 8.0000 100.0% 191.8 1.4
17 Springfield 6 5 880 1 5 2.5000 83.3% 176.0 1.2
18 Scoped K98 8 6 644 0 5 5.0000 75.0% 107.3 1.6
19 M1 Carbine 48 17 650 1 5 1.6667 35.4% 38.2 9.6
20 Spade Entrenchment Tool 8 8 745 0 4 2.0000 100.0% 93.1 2.0
21 Scoped FG42 43 6 667 2 4 2.0000 14.0% 111.2 10.8
22 Mills Bomb 11 6 421 0 2 2.0000 54.5% 70.2 5.5
23 .30 Cal 52 4 190 0 2 1.0000 7.7% 47.5 26.0
24 4 1 300 1 1 1.0000 25.0% 300.0 4.0
25 Panzerschrek 6 0 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0% 0.0 0.0

  Weapon Targets *

Rank Weapon Hits sort-descending.gif Left Middle Right
1 605 30.9% 38.5% 30.6%
2 516 32.6% 36.6% 30.8%
3 483 28.4% 38.7% 32.9%
4 STG44 469 21.3% 44.3% 34.3%
5 K98 228 27.2% 36.0% 36.8%
6 221 25.8% 39.8% 34.4%
7 156 19.2% 54.5% 26.3%
8 90 23.3% 51.1% 25.6%
9 75 25.3% 50.7% 24.0%
10 43 34.9% 41.9% 23.3%
11 18 22.2% 44.4% 33.3%
12 M1 Carbine 17 35.3% 47.1% 17.6%
13 16 25.0% 50.0% 25.0%
14 K98 Bayonet 11 18.2% 63.6% 18.2%
15 9 22.2% 33.3% 44.4%
16 Spade Entrenchment Tool 8 25.0% 50.0% 25.0%
17 Scoped K98 6 16.7% 50.0% 33.3%
18 Scoped FG42 6 50.0% 50.0% 0.0%
19 Springfield 5 60.0% 20.0% 20.0%
20 .30 Cal 4 50.0% 50.0% 0.0%
21 1 0.0% 100.0% 0.0%

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  Map Performance *

Rank Map Kills % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D sort-descending.gif Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 dod_chickenrun 54 3.44% 3.44% 17 1.35% 1.35% 3.18 0 % % 0.00
2 dod_sampol_v5 8 0.51% 0.51% 5 0.40% 0.40% 1.60 0 % % 0.00
3 dod_saints 84 5.36% 5.36% 54 4.30% 4.30% 1.56 0 % % 0.00
4 dod_orange_snow 40 2.55% 2.55% 26 2.07% 2.07% 1.54 0 % % 0.00
5 dod_yard_night 83 5.29% 5.29% 59 4.70% 4.70% 1.41 0 % % 0.00
6 dod_orange 385 24.55% 24.55% 280 22.31% 22.31% 1.38 0 % % 0.00
7 dod_go2_beta 11 0.70% 0.70% 8 0.64% 0.64% 1.38 0 % % 0.00
8 dod_brokenbridge2 139 8.86% 8.86% 102 8.13% 8.13% 1.36 0 % % 0.00
9 dod_strom_b4 19 1.21% 1.21% 14 1.12% 1.12% 1.36 0 % % 0.00
10 bd_arena_v2 23 1.47% 1.47% 17 1.35% 1.35% 1.35 0 % % 0.00
11 dod_flash 24 1.53% 1.53% 18 1.43% 1.43% 1.33 0 % % 0.00
12 dod_anduze 4 0.26% 0.26% 3 0.24% 0.24% 1.33 0 % % 0.00
13 dod_murky2 122 7.78% 7.78% 93 7.41% 7.41% 1.31 0 % % 0.00
14 aac_true_gold 68 4.34% 4.34% 52 4.14% 4.14% 1.31 0 % % 0.00
15 dod_avalanche 55 3.51% 3.51% 42 3.35% 3.35% 1.31 0 % % 0.00
16 dod_rennes_b3 67 4.27% 4.27% 58 4.62% 4.62% 1.16 0 % % 0.00
17 dod_canyon3 22 1.40% 1.40% 19 1.51% 1.51% 1.16 0 % % 0.00
18 dod_orange_bridge 61 3.89% 3.89% 53 4.22% 4.22% 1.15 0 % % 0.00
19 dod_eye_docs_b1 8 0.51% 0.51% 7 0.56% 0.56% 1.14 0 % % 0.00
20 dod_7quick 59 3.76% 3.76% 52 4.14% 4.14% 1.13 0 % % 0.00
21 dod_tiger2_b2 12 0.77% 0.77% 11 0.88% 0.88% 1.09 0 % % 0.00
22 dod_lennon_b2 14 0.89% 0.89% 13 1.04% 1.04% 1.08 0 % % 0.00
23 dod_cal_sherman2 66 4.21% 4.21% 68 5.42% 5.42% 0.97 0 % % 0.00
24 dod_dustville 29 1.85% 1.85% 30 2.39% 2.39% 0.97 0 % % 0.00
25 dod_harrington 41 2.61% 2.61% 50 3.98% 3.98% 0.82 0 % % 0.00
26 dod_flugplatz 3 0.19% 0.19% 4 0.32% 0.32% 0.75 0 % % 0.00
27 dod_kalt 27 1.72% 1.72% 37 2.95% 2.95% 0.73 0 % % 0.00
28 dod_donner 29 1.85% 1.85% 42 3.35% 3.35% 0.69 0 % % 0.00
29 dod_thermop 4 0.26% 0.26% 6 0.48% 0.48% 0.67 0 % % 0.00
30 dod_cukinia4 4 0.26% 0.26% 8 0.64% 0.64% 0.50 0 % % 0.00
31 dod_solitude_b2 3 0.19% 0.19% 7 0.56% 0.56% 0.43 0 % % 0.00

  Server Activity *

Rank Server Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Deaths K:D Headshots Percentage of Headshots % HS:K
1 [PL] Zgryzliwi Tetrycy #1 Custom Maps |HLStatsX| HLDS.PL 1,557 99.30% 99.30% 1,249 1.2466 0 % % 0.0000
2 [PL] Zgryzliwi Tetrycy #2 Classic Maps |HLStatsX| HLDS.PL 11 0.70% 0.70% 6 1.8333 0 % % 0.0000

  Player Kill Statistics *

Rank Victim Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D Headshots % Ratio HS:K
51  Polandmatiii 5 0.32% 0.32% 5 0.40% 0.40% 1.00 0 % % 0.00
52  France[-MT-].Pic@tchou 5 0.32% 0.32% 5 0.40% 0.40% 1.00 0 % % 0.00
53  Europeqavalero 5 0.32% 0.32% 5 0.40% 0.40% 1.00 0 % % 0.00
54  PolandMiota NIm Jak Szatan 5 0.32% 0.32% 4 0.32% 0.32% 1.25 0 % % 0.00
55  PolandmAKs 5 0.32% 0.32% 4 0.32% 0.32% 1.25 0 % % 0.00
56  PolandkNiFe 5 0.32% 0.32% 4 0.32% 0.32% 1.25 0 % % 0.00
57  Swedender Hauptmann 5 0.32% 0.32% 4 0.32% 0.32% 1.25 0 % % 0.00
58  SpainPaulsen 5 0.32% 0.32% 2 0.16% 0.16% 2.50 0 % % 0.00
59  NorwayAdolf 5 0.32% 0.32% 2 0.16% 0.16% 2.50 0 % % 0.00
60  PortugalMystixxx 5 0.32% 0.32% 1 0.08% 0.08% 5.00 0 % % 0.00
61  PolandPzioloRO 5 0.32% 0.32% 1 0.08% 0.08% 5.00 0 % % 0.00
62  PortugalxD 5 0.32% 0.32% 0 0.00% 0.00% 5.00 0 % % 0.00
63  PolandBelleFleur 5 0.32% 0.32% 0 0.00% 0.00% 5.00 0 % % 0.00
64  PolandKrawiec 5 0.32% 0.32% 0 0.00% 0.00% 5.00 0 % % 0.00

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